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Friday, February 12, 2016

Relationship between Information architecture and Data architectural layer

Data and information layers are interconnected in my opinion. According to Platt (2002), and as mentioned in one of my course readings " the information layer describes data that the organization needs to run its business processes and applications", in other words, without data information layer cant exists, and vice versa.
While we are working on streamlining data architecture within the information layer, it is important to take into consideration, and something that a data architect should keep in mind;
  • data recovery
  • data modeling and analytics related to the organization
  • data handling
  • big data usage and how it can be used within the enterprise
  • data security, when the data is being used from outside the organization
  • data storage, whether its physical servers or cloud.
  • easy data accessibility and availability
From my experiences in the Information Systems domain, we have to be very careful in layering the data layer. This layer not only interacts with the inner architectural layers within an enterprise but it also talks/ interacts with the external applications both for in flow and out flow of the information. To ensure that this is well detailed, the use of data modeling/ UML diagrams and analytics software come into use, and allow us as architects to get a visual of the entire process. This also helps in cleaning out redundancy, overlapping of information assets, that could arise over the course of the data flow/ information flow within the enterprise.

A great blog that I ran across on IBM, layers the interaction of data in the BI (Business Intelligence world), data repositories, data warehouse architecture,
One of the diagrams that really caught my eye is where the analytics layer that provides the business analytic applications and their underlying capabilities and services, adding value to all areas in the enterprise.

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